ČOVSPOL a.s. je výhradným dodávateľom priemyselných chemikálii Hydrex™. Ich širokou škálou zabezpečujeme pre priemyselných zákazníkov kompletné chemické programy úpravy technologických a odpadových vôd.
Predúpravu technologických vôd
Ochranu a čistenie membrán reverzných osmóz
Úpravu technologických vôd do kotlov, teplovodov, horúcovodov
Komplexnú úpravu chladiacich cirkulačných vôd
Čistenie odpadových vôd
Elimináciu zápachu
Okrem návrhu optimálneho chemického režimu zabezpečujúceho maximálnu ochranu vašich zariadení a požadovanú kvalitu technologických vôd zabezpečujeme vykonávanie analýz, poradenstvo a servis, ktorý zaručí plynulú prevádzku a udržiavanie spotreby chemikálii na optimálnej úrovni.
V rámci komplexného riešenia chemického režimu vo vašej prevádzke realizujeme návrhy a dodávku technologických zariadení a systémov riadenia a regulácie nie len pre úpravu vôd, ale aj pre chladiace systémy.
Vývojársky tím skupiny Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies priniesol na svetový trh nový systém riadenia a monitorovania chemického režimu chladiacich okruhov s názvom AquaVista LV1, AquaVista LV2 a AquaVista LV3.
Ďalšou významnou radou chemikálii Hydrex sú polymérne flokulanty určené na zahusťovanie a odvodňovanie kalov, ako aj na predúpravu technologických vôd. Ponúkame širokú škálu práškových a emulzných flokulantov.
Naši experti sú priamo vo vašej prevádzke schopní určiť najvhodnejší typ flokulantu prostredníctvom mobilného testovacieho zariadenia.
Našim zákazníkom ponúkame riešenia eliminácie zápachu pri čistení odpadových vôd a pri narábaní s kalmi. S výberom vhodnej technológie alebo chemického programu kontroly tvorby zápachu a šírenia pachotvorných látok do ovzdušia vám radi pomôžu naši špecialisti.

Improve the performance and safety of your facilities with the HYDREX™ range of water treatment chemicals.
The HYDREX™ water treatment chemicals range includes both organic and inorganic chemicals formulated to meet the individual specifications of customers in the industrial and municipal sectors:
- Physical pre-treatment of water: settling, filtration, etc.
- Physicochemical pre-treatment of water: reverse osmosis, resins, etc.
- Treatment of energy carrying fluids: cooling towers, boilers, etc.
- Drinking water production
- Process water production
- Effluent and sludge treatment, etc.
- Considerable expertise in chemical conditioning of water and water treatment on a global scale; including feedback from our subsidiaries on the use of our chemicals within their customers‘ applications in various sectors of activity.
- Hydrex™ products are specially formulated to optimize the operation of our water treatment facilities; resulting in an excellent equipment-product synergy.
- Comprehensive range of chemicals, available worldwide, meeting specific requirements and suitable for all types of water treatment.
- Guaranteed quality of Hydrex™ products: verification of raw materials, purity analyses, strict quality control, storage of samples for all production batches, etc.
- Unique service: a single local contact for all requirements: chemicals and water treatment systems, provision of water treatment facility operation guarantee contracts, research and development of new products, technical audits, etc.
- ISO certification of water treatment chemical supply activities for Veolia Water STI (ISO9001V2000) and a large number of Veolia Water Technologies‘ subsidiaries.
- Approval of Hydrex™ 4000 series products by major membrane suppliers. In the case of some Hydrex™ 4000 series products, „drinking water and food industry“ approval by the American organization ANSI – U. L.
- Competitive prices
For the treatment of boilers and heating applications, Hydrex™ offers the 1000 series.
- Shell steam boilers
- Water tube boilers
- Coil generators
The Hydrex™ 1000 series covers chemicals intended for the treatment of boilers and heating applications:
- Scale inhibitors
- Dispersants
- Oxygen scavengers
- Steam line treatments
For the treatment of cooling systems, Hydrex™ offers the 2000 series.
- Cooling towers
- Recirculation systems
- Closed systems
- „Once-through“ systems
The Hydrex™ 2000 series covers chemicals suitable for cooling applications:
- Corrosion inhibitors
- Scale inhibitors
- Bio-dispersants
- Cooling tower cleaning
HYDREX™ AquaVista is an automated control and monitoring system for the optimum dosing of cooling water chemicals in open and closed cooling circuits.
Cooling systems, which use water for the heat exchange process, are thus subject to corrosion, deposits, fouling and microbiological growth. Water treatment additives help to prevent such undesirable adverse effects.
To ensure an efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly treatment, it is necessary to adapt the chemical dosing continuously to fluctuating make-up and cooling water parameters. That helps to maintain the system’s performance, extend its useful service life and prevent health risks to operating personnel and local residents.
With HYDREX™ AquaVista operators are able to automatically monitor, document and control their cooling water treatment processes. The system also facilitates the remote monitoring of cooling circuits.
- Measurement and documentation of key parameters such as pH, conductivity, redox, product content and corrosion rates
- Interface to process control systems via Profibus or analog data
- Data visualization for trend analysis
- Alarm notification in case of deviation from standard parameters or problems
- On-site control or via mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones
- Efficient and reliable operation thanks to effective protection against deposits, corrosion and microbiological growth
- Easy to use
- Space saving achieved through compact design
- Reduced service costs and fast reaction thanks to remote maintenance
- Fulfills requirements of relevant directives
- Inhibitor dosing and control
- Volume-dependent inhibitor dosing possible
- Dosing of two different biocides
- Dosing of a separate disperser
- pH control and dosing pump actuation
- Discharge control and actuation via time, water volume or conductivity
- 8 analog inputs 0/4 – 20 mA
- 6 analog outputs 0/4 – 20 mA
- 2 inputs for water meters
- 16 digital inputs
- 16 digital outputs
- High-resolution color touchscreen
For drinking water product applications, Hydrex™ offers the 3000 series.
- Drinking water treatment plants
- Hot sanitary water treatment
The Hydrex™ 3000 series covers chemicals suitable for drinking water treatment:
- Corrosion inhibitors
- Scale inhibitors
- Odor control
- Coagulants
- Polymers
For water treatment equipment filtration membrane protection, Hydrex™ offers the 4000 series.
Hydrex™ 4000 series especially conceived for Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration and Ultrafiltration treatment plants. This range helps to reduce maintenance and operation costs, protect the expensive membrane elements and ensure smooth and efficient operation, through dechlorination, surface disinfection and/or membranes cleaning. It includes:
- Pre-membrane dechlorination
- Surface disinfection (organic substances, etc.)
- Cleaning of membranes (carbonate, sulfates, metal oxides, etc.)
The Hydrex™ 4000 series covers chemicals suitable for filtration membrane protection:
- Anti-scaling agents
- Biocides
- Chlorine removal
- C. I. P. programs
- Storage agents
Most of Hydrex™ 4000 series chemicals are approved by major membrane suppliers. Par of them approved by NSF – and UL for Drinking water application.
For maintenance and cleaning products, Hydrex™ offers the 5000 series:
- Steel surface descaling
- Carbonate, iron oxide deposits
- Biological deposits
- Acidic cleaners
- Alkaline cleaners
- Mixed applications
- Bio-sourced cleaners
The Hydrex™ 5000 series covers chemicals suitable for deposit removal:
- Resin cleaning products
- Scale removers
- Degreasing agents
- Passivators
- Antifoams
- Surfactants
To optimize effluent treatments, Hydrex™ offers the 6000 series.
- Industrial effluents
- Municipal effluents
The Hydrex™ 6000 series covers chemicals suitable for effluent treatment
- Flocculants (anionic emulsions, anionic powders, anionic beads, cationic emulsions, cationic powders, cationic beads)
- Organic coagulants
- Inorganic coagulants
Hydrex™ offers a range of biocides for the following applications:
- Cooling systems
- Legionella testing
- Bio-fouling
- Drinking water grade in Food & Beverage industry
- Hot sanitary water
- Sanitization of wastewater, before re-use
The Hydrex™ 7000 series covers biocide products intended to meet industrial requirements:
- Rapid-action or delayed-action products
- Products with a broad spectrum of activity, or specifically targeted against a specific type of contaminant (moss, algae, bacteria, etc.)
- Oxidant or non-oxidant products
- Continuous-action or shock treatment products
- OSG HYDREX (On-site Generation): New efficient technology used to generate biocides in-situ from 100% active safe precursors, to avoid water transportation. On demand biocide generation, to avoid long term storage and potential degradation.
For Industrial Applications, Hydrex™ offers the 8000 series.
- Conveyor lubrication
- Bottle washing
- Tank cleaning
- General cleaning operations
- C.I.P.
- Sanitation
- Crate washing
- Mining
The Hydrex™ 8000 series covers chemicals intended for industrial food and beverage processing applications:
- Soda or adjuvants (wetting agents and surfactants, biocides, etc.)
- Lubricants for conveyors
- Cleaning products for equipment (tank, piping, valves, bottling machines, etc.)
- Specific biocides for facility disinfection
Hydrex™ offers solutions for each specific requirement in terms of chemical water conditioning, including tailor-made formulations.
- Odor control
- Dust control
- Thermal desalinization
- Fuel additives
- Lye additives, etc.
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