Technológie na neutralizáciu šíriacich sa pachotvorných látok si dokážu poradiť so zápachom, ktorého zdrojom sú materiály uskladnené a spracovávané v halách, prístreškoch, na otvorených priestranstvách, ako aj so zápachom šíriacich sa z nádrží jednotlivých stupňov čistenia odpadových vôd a spracovania kalov.

Ponúkame široké spektrum technológií založených na použití patentovaných neutralizačných látok, ktoré pachové látky nemaskujú ale chemickou reakciou neutralizujú na zdravotne a pachovo nezávadné zlúčeniny.
Účinnosť riešení a zdravotná neškodnosť neutralizačných látok je podložená testami nezávislých laboratórií a je v súlade s európskou legislatívou.
- Čistením priemyselných a komunálnych dopadových vôd
- Dekontamináciou lagún
- Skladovaním a spracovaním kalov
- Výrobou, kompostovaním a skladovaním biopaliva
- Nakladaním s odpadmi
- Priemyselnou výrobou
- Potravinárskym priemyslom
- Ďalšími procesmi, pri ktorých sa uvoľňujú pachové látky
Technológie neutralizácie pachových látok firmy ČOVSPOL sú efektívne, pretože pracujú na jednoduchom fyzikálno-chemickom princípe. Pachové látky sú prchavé zlúčeniny, ktorých chemická štruktúra je známa.

Aquilair™ is a physical and chemical deodorization process based on the transfer of odorous gaseous molecules to a liquid phase.
Aquilair™ comprises one or more successive washes of polluted air in a counter flow system, via aqueous solutions, in wet scrubbers operating in series. These scrubbers are filled with inert material watered with the chemical solution which enhances the contact between the gas and the liquid.
- Aquilair™ treats highly concentrated gaseous effluent which may have concentrations of odorous components as high as 1 g/m³.
- This highly reliable technique enables to achieve treatment yields in excess of 99%, ensuring the total absence of odor-induced pollution.
The scrubber packing material characteristics (type, specific area, volume, depth) are selected to optimize the gas-liquid contact time and molecule transfer.
Aquilair™ comprises one to four chemical scrubbers, usually synthetic resin columns:
- The first, operated in acid conditions (pH between 2 and 3), is used for nitrogenous compound removal,
- The second and third, operated in basic conditions (pH 9 and pH 11), with the addition of an oxidant, are dedicated to the removal of sulfide compounds (H₂S, Mercaptans…). When the hydrogen sulfide content of the gaseous effluent is not too high, one tower of this type may be sufficient.
- The last, into which a reducing agent is added, operated at a neutral pH neutralizes any potential excess of oxidant used upstream.
Aquilair™ modular technology is designed to fit all types of installation, new or the extension of an existing plant. This process can be used on a wide range of flow rates and therefore is suitable for all sizes of wastewater treatment plants.
- Aquilair™ is a fully automatic process. Active solution recirculation can deal with load variations without affecting the quality of the air discharged.
- Aquilair™ achieves constant discharged air quality. Its efficiency, higher than 99%, makes it the technology most suitable whenever a „zero nuisance“ objective is required.

Wastewater collection and treatment often involve the production of unpleasant smells.
In the sanitation network, the absence of air (and more precisely of oxygen) makes that wastewater become septic, and also malodorous. Gases are accumulated in the sewer headspace and emission to the open air can occur at the outlet in the treatment plant.
Wastewater and its by-product treatment (sludge, scum, etc.) also generate unpleasant smells.
The chemical species responsible of the olfactory nuisances are mainly Sulphide, Nitrogenous compounds and, sometimes, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC).
The sulfide compounds mainly come from wastewater pretreatment, thickening and sludge dewatering stages. The nitrogenous compounds and the VOC are mainly from the sludge treatment.
To avoid the propagation of odors and provide the operating agents with a healthy and safe environment, the works are put in negative pressure, the polluted air is collected and undergoes a deodorization treatment via the Alizair™ process.
As it is biofiltration, Alizair™ is usually the least expensive odor removal solution and the easiest to operate.
Alizair™ oxidizes the malodorous substances (organic or inorganic) into inorganic and odorless compounds.
Alizair™ removes almost all the malodorous compounds. Its efficiency on mercaptans can be improved by the addition of downstream physical or chemical treatment.
Alizair™ requires low maintenance and reagent input. Its operating cost is among the lowest in the market.
Alizair™ is available in a wide range of flows.
Alizair™ is also available as compact units, ready to be used. There are four different sizes, with maximum flow ranging between 1800 and 6700 m³/h.
Alizair™ is a biological deodorization process using biofiltration.
It operates by bio-oxidation of compounds in the liquid phase.
As they pass through the filter, the malodorous molecules are biodegraded by specific micro-organisms on the support media.
The Alizair™ media rests on a perforated floor which participates in the uniform distribution of the polluted air in the structure. The air to be treated rises through it.
Regular watering maintains stable humidity in the filter, nutrients required for biological activity are injected and products from biological oxidation are removed (including sulfates).
The water recovered at the bottom of the reactor is recirculated or removed at the plant head.
Depending on the elements present in the air to be treated, the bio-deodorization operates with different types of micro-organisms, which imply different operating conditions.
Through its experience of biological processes, Veolia has been able to develop various packing media to optimize the process performance.
Alizair™ A
The best performances for hydrogen sulfide, other sulfides, ammonia and amine (RNH₂) removal are achieved by using autotrophic species.
In this case, the material used is Biodagene™, a non-degradable mineral. This is a granular material with high porosity.
A solution of nutritive elements is sprayed on the filter media to feed the purifying biomass. Generally, at least the following elements are required to ensure optimal operation:
- A source of Carbon
- A source of Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Usually, the watering with raw water on the filter media is enough to maintain the necessary nutrient and humidity levels.
The watering sequences of the filter bed are handled automatically depending on the air flow rate to treat. Sprinkling intensity also depends on the particle size of the present material.
Alizair™ A can achieve very high filtration rates (500 m³/m²/h) with treatment loads which can exceed 50g/h/m³ of medial.
Alizair™ H
When Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) treatment is required, the filter and its operation are set up in order to enhance the development of heterotrophic species.
The granular medium used is made from peat. This variant of the process is called Alizair™ H.
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