Spoločnosť ČOVSPOL počas svojej viac ako dvadsaťročnej histórie zrealizovala množstvo úspešných projektov v oblasti čistenia a odvádzania odpadových vôd.

Každé riešenie je unikátne, zohľadňujúce špecifické požiadavky klienta a podmienky jednotlivých lokalít. Vlastnej realizácií predchádza dôkladná analýza všetkých faktorov, ktoré ju ovplyvňujú. Pred realizáciou posudzujeme ekologické aspekty, špecifiká okolitého životného prostredia, terén, v ktorom je čistiareň umiestnená, veľkosť aglomerácie, kapacitné možnosti, budúce potreby a taktiež výšku investičných a prevádzkových nákladov.
ČOVSPOL má bohaté skúsenosti s realizáciou čistiarní odpadových vôd pre komunálnu sféru ako aj veľkých priemyselných klientov. Vyvinuli sme viaceré technológie a systémy, ktoré sme úspešne aplikovali nielen na Slovensku ale aj v zahraničí. Využívame tiež celosvetovo overené riešenia od našich kolegov zo skupiny Veolia Water Technologies.
Naša spoločnosť je dodávateľom inovatívnej technológie čistenia povrchových a odpadových vôd ACTIFLO, ktorá v roku 2010 získala cenu Zlatá AQUA na medzinárodnej výstave vodného hospodárstva, hydroenergetiky, ochrany životného prostredia, komunálnej techniky a rozvoja miest a obcí „AQUA Trenčín“. Jej hlavnými výhodami sú vysoká efektívnosť čistenia a 5-krát menšia veľkosť potrebnej zastavanej plochy ako pri klasických lamelových usadzovacích nádržiach.
V komunálnej sfére vám okrem návrhu a kompletizácie klasických biologických ČOV ponúkame širokú škálu najmodernejších technológií a originálnych technických riešení od vstupnej čerpacej stanice až po kalovú koncovku
V spolupráci so sesterskou spoločnosťou Biothane vám navrhneme unikátne riešenie biologického čistenia odpadových vôd pre vašu priemyselnú aplikáciu či už v papierenskom, potravinárskom, farmaceutickom, chemickom alebo inom priemysle. Viac ako 580 inštalácii vo viac ako 40 krajinách sú dôkazmi kompetencií skupiny Veolia na poli anaeróbneho čistenia.
- prieskum a štúdia podmienok uskutočniteľnosti čistiarne odpadových vôd
- optimálny technologický návrh s orientačnou cenovou ponukou
- predprojektová príprava, zabezpečenie inžinierskej činnosti a samotná realizácia čistiarní odpadových vôd a kanalizačných čerpacích staníc
- modernizácia, rozširovanie kapacity, intenzifikácia a rekonštrukcia existujúcich čistiarní odpadových vôd
- expertné štúdie a posudky z oblasti kalového hospodárstva a čistenia odpadových vôd
- konzultácie a návrhy optimalizácie existujúcej prevádzky čistiarne odpadových vôd
- technická asistencia a poradenstvo
- záručný a pozáručný servis

We have been market leaders for more than 30 years providing filters with a quality and a durability that no other filter can match. Our filters are Swedish manufactured with a high standard quality control and we now have more than 9 000 filters sold all over the world.
With an extensive knowledge of the water quality process, we manufacture state of the art microscreen filters and are constantly developing the technologies to create new and innovative solutions. The Hydrotech Drumfilters and Discfilters are available in 500 different variations and are used in applications such as industry, municipality, aquaculture, ZOO, swimming pools and aquariums. Our filters are cost effective, have low energy consumption and an automatic control to optimize capacity.
Hydrotech was founded in 1984 when the Company introduced a new patented design that revolutionized filter technology. Today, we have more than 9000 filters installed all over the world. Hydrotech is represented in most countries throughout the world through a network of professional partners. Hydrotech has always been based in Vellinge, in the southern part of Sweden just next to the bridge to Denmark. We are proud to claim that all our filters of Swedish origin and quality are manufactured in our own workshop in Vellinge.

The Hydrotech Disc Filter is a mechanical and self-cleaning filter that offers a large filter area in a small footprint.
- Compact system
- Cost-effective technology
- Small footprint
- Patented automatic moving backwash spray header
- Easy to operate, easy to maintain
- Product flexibility
- Water and energy savings
- The water to be treated flows by gravity into the filter segments from the centre drum. Solids catch on the inside of the filter panels mounted on the two sides of the disc segments.
- As the solids catch on the inside of the filter media impeding the flow of water through the disc, the water level inside the discs begin to rise, triggering a level sensor to start the disc to rotate and a backwash cycle begins.
- High pressure rinse water wash the solids off the filter media into the solids collection trough. Typically the backwash requires 0,05-3% of the total filtered water flow.
The Hydrotech HSF2600 offers you up to 230 m2 of filtration area. We can still ship those large units in standard container for delivery World Wide.
Hydrotech takes the lead with the most cost effetive filter seen in short term with low investment cost featuring extreme small foot print that minimise the construction works.
Hydrotech also take the lead with the most cost effective filter seen in long term with filters that operate automatically with water and energy savings incorporated.
The Hydrotech 2200-series plastic disc design brings considerably lower weight and 50% more filter area per footprint compared to the Hydrotech stainless steel Discfilters.
Hydrotech’s patented moving backwash spray header fold out feature are also used in the 2200 series as in Hydrotech stainless steel Discfilters.
The filter panels are inserted into the slots of the segments. This design is optimal towards quick service access.
With flow capacity up to 1000 l/s (3600 m3/h) per filter and filter opening range of 10-100 micron, Hydrotech offer you a full range of microscreen filters.
Hydrotech’s patented moving backwash spray header ensures efficient cleaning of the filter media, increased life time of the filter media and 20% savings of rinse water consumption. The spray headers fold out to facilitate maintenance of the spray nozzles, that can be replaced without any tools.
The filters operate automatically with water and energy savings incorporated.

The Hydrotech Drum Filter is a mechanical and self-cleaning filter specially designed for high performance in systems where it is essential to prevent particles from fragmentation.
- Cost-effective technology
- Small footprint
- Easy to operate, easy to maintain
- Product flexibility
- Sturdy, compact design
- Partnership & development
- The water is filtered through the periphery of the drum. Backwash of the filter is only required according the loading of particles.
- Assisted by the filter panels special cell structure, the particles are carefully separated from the water during backwash.
- Separated solids are rinsed off the filter cloth into the solids collection trough and discharged.
Careful handling of the solids to prevent fragmentation is in many applications essential to achieve high filtration efficiency. Hydrotech’s unique design of the filter panels makes this possible.
Hydrotech’s unique filter panels greatly simplify both the replacement and change out of the filter opening size.
The drum is constructed in sections, each with up to 6 filter panels depending on diameter. The filter areas from 0,35 m2 for the HDF501 to 22,5 m2 for the HDF2010 cover a range from 2 to < 1000 l/s (< 3600 m3/h). In total there are 23 different drum filter sizes.
This modular design facilitates maintenance and makes it easy to adapt the filter to actual need of flow capacity and performance requirements of filtration.

The Hydrotech Beltfilter is made for efficient filtration and draining of sludge and wastewater. It is an automatic, self-cleaning filter specially designed to achieve optimal performance in systems where high solids content in the dewatered sludge is essential.
- Cost-effective technology
- Small footprint
- Easy to operate, easy to maintain
- Product flexibility
- Sturdy, compact design
- Partnership & development
Sludge or wastewater is led into the filter and passes by gravity through the filter belt.
The belt is designed as a slowly moving conveyer installed in a stainless steel tank. As the water passes through the filter, the filtering process ensures the efficient removal of particles. These particles are drained on the belt to a high dry matter content. The dewatered sludge is removed at the top of the filter and discharged through a hopper for final treatment.
The belt is further cleaned by a high-pressure backwash system and the rinse water is led either back to the process or to further treatment.
The Beltfilter is normally operated intermittently (demand) controlled by a level switch.
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